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Cultivating Diligently and Overcoming Tribulations One After Another

May 2, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Chongqing, China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997, and I’m now 69 years old. I’d like to tell you how I identified my deeply hidden attachment to complaining.

One day in July 2022, I casually said, “Cultivation is not difficult.” That night, I saw two characters for “hatred” which came out of the left side of my waist. However, I did not take it to heart.

A few days later larger pieces of the same words, about one foot long and eight inches wide, came out from the left side of my waist again, as though they were coming out of the deeper layers of my body. I had been getting rid of my attachment to complaining and hatred and thought that they were gone. Then I suddenly thought of my neighbor.

This neighbor is in his 70s. He’s retired and divorced, and lives alone. His only daughter lives somewhere else. My house is on the top level. When my husband was still around, this neighbor persuaded him to grow vegetables on the roof. After my husband passed away, the neighbor asked me if I would continue growing vegetables, and I said no.

After that, he placed all the styrofoam boxes containing the fermented fertilizers next to my apartment. The boxes emitted an odor and attracted masses of mosquitoes. Some of the mosquitoes were so small that they could fly through the screens and enter our homes. The mosquitoes and odor were so bad that another neighbor and I usually did not dare open our windows.

The neighbor planted spinach on the roof and wet the floor with a hose, causing the top of my living room window to leak. This resulted in my wallpaper flaking off and when I pulled the curtains back, layers of plaster dropped off.

He even put a big bath tub up there and planted it full of water spinach. As this tub was very heavy, the roof began sinking and there were two big indentations in my ceiling.

I asked him to move the fertilizer to his side and to not put heavy things on the roof. He said, “If you are are frightened of mosquito bites, you should go live in a villa. I’ve been planting vegetables for more than a decade and it’s always been like that.”

I then told him that if he planted trees directly in the prefabricated panels on the roof, the roots would enter the gaps. If this carried on, it could cause leaks. Over time, the gaps would enlarge and compromise the structure of the building.

Another neighbor couldn’t take it and told him, “Why don’t you plant on your own roof? Why are you planting things on another person’s roof?” He replied willfully, “Where is whose? It all belongs to the country.” He also said that gardening was his hobby, and he enjoyed doing it very much.

Hearing that, I was very angry. However, I reminded myself that I’m a practitioner, so I said in a light tone, “Don’t leave yourself with no room to turn back when you speak or do things to people.” I did not speak to him about matters like good deeds are rewarded while the bad deeds are punished, as I was afraid he might not be able to take it and would think I was cursing him.

Another neighbor told me, “Your roof needed to be repaired long ago. One layer of it has already been damaged by the neighbor planting those vegetables.” To add to it, he said those words in an angry tone.

I tried many times to talk to the neighbor in a calm tone about this matter but he always refused to listen. I felt so wronged and angry that I gradually began complaining about him, and I even hated him.

One morning, I understood that he was helping me improve my xinxing. I suddenly felt relaxed and most of my complaints and hatred disappeared. I realized this matter was not important.

Overcoming Fake Illness Symptoms and Persist to Go out to Save People

One night in August 2022, I was sleeping when I saw a small cartoon-looking person stomping his feet as he spoke very angrily, “You still have the two biggest attachments, which are the attachment to gains and selfishness.”

The next day I couldn’t breathe normally, I felt depressed, and my mouth hurt. I did not feel like eating anything. I just drank some water. I felt exhausted. However, never once did I think I might be ill.

No matter how uncomfortable I felt, I still persisted in doing the three things. Although it was 44 degrees Celsius (111 degrees Fahrenheit) out there, I still went out to clarify the truth to people as usual. When I couldn’t shake off my depression, I increased the time I did the exercises.

All the shops were closed because of the pandemic. Only two designated supermarkets were open for business. Due to the prolonged high temperatures, few people were on the streets. In the morning, I took an umbrella and had to walk for a long time before I finally saw an old woman. She bought some vegetables and had trouble carrying them. I said, “Let me help you.” She said, “You are old yourself, but you want to help me?” She insisted on carrying them, so I shared my umbrella with her and she was happy.

I said, “Please be careful not to get heat stroke in this hot weather.” She thanked me. I then said, “Please quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations to attain peace and safety. Have you joined the CCP or any of its youth organizations?” She replied, “Only the young pioneers.” I said, “In that case, why don’t you quit it?” I then told her the purpose of quitting and also asked her to remember the two phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” for peace and safety. I gave her a small truth-clarification booklet and an amulet. She was happy and thanked me. I replied, “Please thank Master.” She then happily said, “Thank you, Master.”

Throughout the entire summer, even though the temperatures went up to 44 degrees Celsius, I did not turn on the air-conditioner. Only when I sat in the full lotus position to study the Fa did I turn on a small fan. If I sweat, I ignored it. Before going to sleep, I wiped my sleeping mat with a wet cloth. After it dried, I lay down and it felt quite cool. One day, I got up at 4 a.m. to practice the exercises and I felt that the weather was so cool and nice. I thought that it rained, but there was not even a drop. It was so amazing.

What was even more amazing was that one afternoon, when I was sitting in the living room studying the Fa, I kept falling asleep. I told the negative substance that was disturbing me, “You are not allowed to interfere with me.” I went on to copy the Fa.

As the weather was hot (44 degrees Celsius), I closed all the windows and curtains, and only a bit of natural light entered my house. I was copying the Fa when I suddenly felt a gust of cool wind blowing, which seemed to come from the beam of natural light. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I thought that Master was really bearing a lot of hardship. Although it was just me, one single Dafa practitioner, Master still benevolently looked after me. With millions of practitioners out there, how much worries do we cause Master? Master is so benevolent and great. I can only study the Fa well, cultivate myself well, and save more people to repay Master.

I overcame a big tribulation this time but I did not express it well. When I was in the middle of the tribulation, my face looked thin and my complexion was green. However, under Master’s benevolent care and encouragement, I overcame the tribulation and recovered in about a month’s time.

I am writing this experience with a sincere, humble heart that is filled with gratitude to thank Master for his care and to share it with fellow practitioners. Kindly correct me if there is any room for improvement.