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People on Australia’s Gold Coast Welcome Falun Dafa at Harmony Day

May 2, 2024 |   By a Minghui reporter in Queensland, Australia

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners attended the Gold Coast Harmony Festival at the Broadwater Parklands on April 20, 2024. The event was organized by the Kusuma Indonesia Community Australia. Practitioners presented Falun Dafa to the local community, and people welcomed Falun Dafa principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. A Queensland Member of Parliament said that Falun Dafa practitioners spread the truth voluntarily and have done a great job.

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises and told people about Falun Dafa and the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution.

Over a dozen ethnic groups, including Japanese and Vietnamese, attended the festival and gave dancing and singing cultural performances in traditional costumes to celebrate the festival. Other fun activities included face painting, a bouncy castle, an interactive traditional instrument workshop, and delicious international cuisine. The festival attracted many people.

The Falun Dafa booth attracted many people. People learned how wonderful Falun Dafa is and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners. One person said he believed that what Falun Dafa practitioners have done has brought warmth and hope to humankind.

State MP: Falun Gong Practitioners Do a Fantastic Job Spreading the Message

Queensland MP Samuel (Sam) O’Connor (middle) in front of the Falun Dafa booth

Mr. Samuel (Sam) O’Connor, Queensland LNP Shadow Minister for Environment, attended the Harmony Festival. He came to the Falun Dafa booth, greeted practitioners, and took a photo with them.

He recalled that the practitioners had invited him to attended their group exercises in 2017. He said, “I was first invited when I was first running and went to the Falun Dafa event down by the Broadwater under the rotunda. It’s been wonderful to see everyone over the years coming along to these things.”

“It’s been good. That’s something you do very well, sharing it with other people. I think the Gold Coast community is very open to your message. We’ve had Shen Yun here at HOTA. I went along to that a few years ago.”

“Your team does a fantastic job. I guess you are all volunteers spreading the message at a lot of events like this.” He said that it is important to raise awareness of the practice, as well as the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution.

Manager: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Are Beautiful Values

Brett Hayes hopes to see more and more people practice Falun Dafa.

Brett Hayes is a business development manager for an irrigation company. His wife is a Falun Dafa practitioner. He accompanied his wife to attend the festival. He knows that Falun Dafa practitioners are severely persecuted in China and many have gone through horrific torture simply for their belief.

He doesn’t practice Falun Dafa but knows that Falun Dafa brings good health to people and teaches people to be kind. He has seen that his wife has benefited from practicing Falun Dafa both mentally and physically. He also believes that even if only one person in the family practices Falun Dafa the whole family benefits. He said he was one of the many cases that verifies this. He knows a lot of practitioners and they are all kind people. He believes that practitioners’ sacrifices will bring warmth and hope to humankind.

Brett knew about the severity of the persecution in China and also knew about the CCP’s crime of forced organ harvesting. He said that it was hard to believe that the CCP could do such horrific things out of corruption and greed, but as people learned more, they would understand that forced organ harvesting was happening in China today.

Brett understands and supports his wife practicing Falun Dafa. He said that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are good values that are beneficial to society. He has attended many activities and has seen that more and more people can accept these principles.

He hopes to see more people practice Falun Dafa. He said that if more people abide by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in their daily lives and learn the truth about Falun Dafa, they will be guided toward happiness.