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Clearwisdom Weekly Persecution News - May 19 ~ May 25, 2008

May 29, 2008 |  

May 19

On February 27, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Guiming he was taken to Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp. Two days later he was tortured to death. His wife, Ms. Han Fengxia, hired an attorney and filed a lawsuit with the Suburban Procuratorate in Changchun City. However, she was arrested from her residence on April 15, 2008.

May 20

On April 23, 2008, Benxi City Police Department in Liaoning Province arrested local Falun Gong practitioners during a well-coordinated operation. Some officers claimed that the order was from the provincial government.

On April 24, 2008, Zunhua City Court in Hebei Province sentenced the six Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Xu, who was illegally sentenced to four and a half years.

With the pretext to "Welcoming the Olympics," the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Shandong Province has intensified.

May 22

The persecution of Falun Gong extends outside the borders of China, as US citiczens are attacked within the United States.

Recently arrested sisters are force-fed in a manner leading to intenal injuries.

May 23

A report of allegations on how Bai Heguo died.

In May of this year, Ms. Wang Wenqi was arrested and quickly sentenced to three years in a labor camp. This is the latest in years of persecution she has suffered.

May 24

Possession of a satellite dish leads to confiscation of property.

May 25

Mr. Wang Guiming was tortured to death at Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province. CCP authorities attempted to cover the crime.

With the excuse of "preparing for the Olympics," CCP authorities arrested Falun Gong practitioners when the torch relay set off in Fujian Province.

Clearwisdom.net and its Chinese-language sister-website (minghui.ca) provide first-hand reports about the horrors of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Dozens of reports are received every day from the victims of torture, the wrongfully imprisoned, and families crippled by the senseless hardship and grief for their loved ones imposed by the persecution. In contrast, the websites also report positive news and events from the more than 80 countries around the world where Falun Gong is practiced, and serve as an online forum for practitioners to share stories of the good things Falun Gong has brought to their lives. For more information, please contact editor@clearwisdom.net.