(Clearwisdom.net) China's respect for freedom of religion remained "poor" last year, most notably for members of underground groups such as the outlawed Falun Gong movement, the United States charged.

Repression was widespread, and there were "numerous credible reports" of the abuse or killing of Falun Gong followers by police, the State Department said in its annual report on international religious freedom.


"During the period covered by this report, the government's respect for religious freedom and freedom of conscience remained poor, especially for members of some unregistered religious groups and spiritual movements such as the Falun Gong," the International Religious Freedom Report 2002 said.

Beijing "continued its repression of the Falun Gong spiritual movement [...]", it added.


The United States has long been vocal on the issue. During a visit to Beijing in February, President George W. Bush used a nationally-televised speech to express a "prayer" for freedom of worship for China's people.
