
Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Give up the limitations to our own understanding about people - When there is conflict among fellow practitioners, we not only need to treat others with benevolence, tolerance and respect, we also need to give up the limitations to our own understanding about people and truly realize that beings in the Fa have different characteristics. When they understand this, fellow practitioners can truly blend together into one body.

News From China

In August 2002, several Dafa practitioners in Handan City, Hebei Province rode in a car to distribute truth-clarification materials. Vicious police officers from the Handan County Police Department arrested them and impounded their car. On November 5, Zhang Xinguo, a deputy section chief from Handan County Police Department who was also the person in charge of the persecution against Dafa practitioners ran into a tree while driving this particular car. He died on impact.

Truth About the Persecution

I am a Dafa practitioner who has just been released from the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. I was an eyewitness to the vicious police forces' brutal tortures of determined Dafa practitioners. They put the practitioners in solitary confinement and cuff them on iron stools, for ten, twenty or thirty days at a time. Without heat being provided, it was very cold in the detention rooms. Many practitioners suffered mental breakdowns due to torture.

Recently, some corporations in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province were holding brainwashing classes, and the authorities forced Dafa practitioners to either write a "Dafa-slandering statement and promise to give up Dafa practice" or attend the brainwashing class for two months. Some practitioners were illegally arrested and brutally tortured. Some practitioners were arrested and detained, even after their terms had expired. The thugs forced them to write a "summary statement," and if they refused, the thugs would torture them with inhuman methods. Some practitioners were tortured with the "iron chair" method and some were detained in solitary confinement.