(Clearwisdom.net) Various human atrocities have inevitably caused the world to change and have left permanent scars on human history. However, they have also provided a tool for the world to prevent genocide in the future, by methods such as the United Nations Convention on Genocide. Although many people worldwide are devoted to preventing genocide, the following questions need to be asked: If inhumane crimes occur, can we identify them? How do they manifest? How can we deal with them? Even though history repeats itself, the crimes may not occur exactly the same as before. The NGO workshop will discuss these problems from a variety of angles, using different individual's experiences.

One of the topics of the workshop will be to discuss how to deal with cases of genocide during the continuous persecution of the Falun Gong in China. By observing Falun Gong persecution cases, we discovered that the Internet and the global economy is playing a role in modern genocide, which makes modern genocide different from genocides of the past.

Therefore, the focus of this workshop is a look at modern genocide from a variety of angles.

DATE: 26 C 28 of January 2004

PLACE: Stockholm, Sweden

- Friends of Falun Gong Europe (www.fofg.org)
- International Committee for Global Justice

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200401/17054.html