(Clearwisdom.net) Wuhan Dafa practitioner Ms. Yang Qinghua, age 40, lived near the Wuchang Peasant Movement Institute. At the end of 2000, Yang Qinghua went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested, sent back to Wuhan and held in the detention center. That same year, she was illegally sentenced to forced labor reeducation. In the labor camp, because she refused to give up Falun Gong, she was locked in a single room for six months. When her family was notified to come take her away, she was in the hospital. Ms. Yang couldn't move her arms or legs, was unable to speak intelligibly, and had lost the ability to care for herself. She looked like an old woman well over 60. Her family was reluctant to take her home [as she could hardly be recognized]. A perfectly healthy woman had been tortured into an early old age. Yang Qinghua's family finally took her home, where she passed away on August 25, 2004.