Mr. Wei Guanghua Is on the Verge of Death after Six Years of Imprisonment

Name:Wei Guanghua (卫广华)





Date of Most Recent Arrest:May 31, 2003

Most recent place of detention: Gangbei Prison in Tianjin City (天津港北监狱)

City: Tianjin City (天津市)

Persecution Suffered:Detention, Interrogation, Beatings, Imprisonment, Forced Labor, Solitary Confinement, Physical Constraint, Torture, Force-Feedings.

Jiang Fuxiang's Husband Dies, Family Torn Apart

Date of Most Recent Arrest:October, 2006

Most recent place of detention: Masanjia Labor Camp (马三家劳教所 )

City: Shenyang


Persecution Suffered:Detention, interrogation, home ransacked, reeducation through labor, living under surveillance

Unconscious and Near Death, Mr. Lu Yunlai is Released from Baimiao Forced Labor Camp

( (correspondent from Henan Province) In June 2009, Mr. Lu Yunlai, from Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, was tortured and became emaciated. He was released for medical treatment after being diagnosed with late stage cancer.

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