(Minghui.org) The problem discussed in the article “If the Attachment to Showing Off Isn’t Eliminated, the Danger is Great (With a Comment from Master)” also exists in my region.

Some people who no longer practice Falun Dafa have not only shared harmful websites and arguments among themselves, but also tried to pass the damaging information to steadfast Dafa practitioners. For example, after they renounced Falun Dafa, they published fake articles under Master's name and sent a link to harmful websites to our public email account.

These people also tried to install software to link a practitioner's computer automatically to the harmful websites. Due to practitioner's strong righteous thoughts and Master's help, the computer failed to start, preventing them from installing the software.

Master told practitioners why these people renounced Falun Dafa in his comment to the article “If the Attachment to Showing Off Isn’t Eliminated, the Danger is Great (With a Comment from Master)”:

“All such people have deviated from the Fa as a result of their attachment to showing off. There are always some among our students who wish to display their brilliance, to show how learned they are, or how lofty their realizations are. Sooner or later they get into trouble. The evil websites try to ensnare such people. ”

People in my region have common characteristics that could result in deviating from their cultivation path. They enjoy doing things, use how much they have done as a measure of how well they cultivate, and only look for external reasons when facing interference, instead of looking within. For example, if their car is disabled, they comment, “It is because I went to so and so's home. Had I not gone to his home to help him, my car would not have broken down.”

This type of thinking stops them from passing tribulations. In the end, their human thinking takes over and they think, “Cultivating Dafa? Even if I cultivate Dafa, Master won't protect me. He let me have this tribulation, that hardship, this loss, that undesired result, and so on.” Then, when they run into a former practitioner who deviated from the principles taught by Falun Dafa, they also deviate from their path. It is such a great pity.

To avoid this situation, we must look within when we are faced with problems. If we remain steadfast in our cultivation, look within, cultivate our heart, and take every tribulation as an opportunity to improve, no evil could interfere and we will not deviate from the Falun Dafa principles.

Whenever I'm faced with a tribulation, regardless if there is evil interference or not, I need to look within. As long as I look within, I will realize that interference, if there is any, is targeting my human heart.

Of course, I should not have the attachment to showing off either. No matter how much I have done or accomplished, I should think that I have not done enough. Eventually I will feel that what I have done is nothing worth mentioning, still far from Master's requirements, and much less than what other fellow practitioners have done. In my understanding, that is the right mentality.

As for the group, especially during group Fa study and group collaboration, we must form a true cultivation environment. When there is a conflict, we should look within and sincerely find our gaps and get rid of our human attachments.

If we see other practitioner's attachments, we should point them out kindly. When that attachment is too big for them to get rid of, we should study the Fa with them and help them improve on the Fa.

We should not measure ourselves against other practitioners, overly compliment them, and make everyone look good without resolving the real problem when there is an issue. Then, the evil will no longer be able to interfere with us because we are truly cultivating as a group.

I feel distress when I see former practitioners become enlightened along an evil path. Therefore, I wrote this article. Please kindly point out anything that is not aligned with the Fa.