(Minghui.org) During the initial years of my cultivation, I didn't pay too much attention to my attachment to lust. The old forces took advantage of my shortcomings and led me to engage in regrettable behavior. Master has pointed to these issues for me several times. I'm writing down my experiences to warn fellow practitioners who haven't eliminated their attachment to lust.

I had a dream one night in which I was pulled to the ground by an unknown force while I was flying fast. A person with a notebook appeared in front of me. It dawned on me in my dream that my mistakes regarding lust had been recorded. In a moment of desperation, I cried to the sky, “Master, I will never dare to do it again!” After that I felt I was being lifted into the air and was able to fly again.

One morning, my arms became very sore while I was doing the Falun Standing Stance. I eventually couldn't stand it any longer and put my arms down. I went back to bed and saw myself sitting on the floor with arms tied behind my back. I had a terrible dream a short while later. In my dream, I was imprisoned in hell with a horrible-looking female ghost underneath me. Several other people were also imprisoned. Our foreheads bore the marks of Falun Dafa practitioners, so the ghosts in the hell couldn't do much to us. Despite this, we couldn't get out of there even when there was no ghost guarding us.

I once saw in my trance-like state something like a bulletin board with some pictures on it. One of the pictures was me and my upper body was naked. I was ashamed and took my picture down.

Another time, I saw part of my cosmic body was about to be destroyed because of my attachment to lust. Countless beings would die. Agonized by the scene, I cried and extended my hands to help them. My 10 fingers grew infinitely long and penetrated deeply into the cosmic body, which was temporarily saved. I held a being in my hands who was on the verge of his life. He had been terribly deformed and his brain had almost popped out. A painful feeling filled my heart.

Days later, I woke up in the morning and heard a sound like a collapsing cosmic body. I felt miserable, thinking that part of my cosmic body had eventually been destroyed.

If a cultivator doesn't place importance on eliminating lust, the evil will strengthen and magnify the attachment until it's out of control. Once a cultivator is led astray by attachments and desires, he or she will be trapped by the evil's arrangements, causing continuous troubles on the path of cultivation. Our cultivation is approaching the final stage, we won't be able to meet the criteria for Falun Dafa practitioners if we don't let go of our attachment to lust. It's a very serious matter!

We started our cultivation at the level of ordinary people with the shortcomings and inferior notions of ordinary people. The so-called destiny and happiness between men and women are simply sentimental illusions in a secular relationship. When awakened, a cultivator will find all of these things meaningless.

Lust, sexual desire and love between men and women create the illusion of a happy life. Letting these things go seems to separate us from the “good things” about being human. That's why some cultivators have hidden these attachments under the excuse of conforming to the state of ordinary people. However, cultivation is a process of parting with ordinary people's attachments and eventually parting with all human notions and factors. Our false selves are completely composed of acquired human factors and will have to be eliminated. Keep in mind that Dafa disciples are taken care of by Master and cultivation is our top priority.

As a matter of fact, the evil utilizes these attachments to numb your main consciousness and let you forget who you are and what the basics of cultivation are. Even if you don't forget them completely, you might not be able to do the three things with a pure mind and righteous thoughts. Just like how Pigsy forgot about his journey to the west when he saw beautiful maidens, you might fall into the trap of sweet feelings and become the evil's prey. If you could truly stay clear-minded and strong-willed, like Tang Sanzang who refused to eat meat, would it be possible for the evil to tempt you?

Cultivation is serious. Lust is a powerful weapon to destroy a cultivator. Veiled under a charming appearance, it's not as straightforward as the persecuting policemen, and this makes it very easy for one's guard to drop. We have to see clearly the nature of lust and eliminate it with righteous thoughts. It's the only way to be responsible to ourselves and our sentient beings. Don't let down Master's expectations. In this fleeting moment of cultivation, let's do the three things with our full force and dedication!