(Minghui.org) For yet another year, Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to take part in the Independence Day parade held by the Bristol Fourth of July Committee, which hosts the nation’s longest-running Independence Day celebration.

Practitioners from Rhode Island and surrounding areas joined the 236th annual parade on July 5, 2021, with the theme, “Celebrate America’s Independence with Health, Beauty and Peace.”

This year, the Falun Dafa group consisted of a float and practitioners carrying banners. On the float, they demonstrated the first three Falun Dafa exercises, while another practitioner performed a ribbon dance. The float was decorated with beautiful lotus petals.

Spectators clapped as the Falun Dafa group marched past. Some said that the presentation brought them a sense of peace. A number of spectators followed along as practitioners demonstrated the exercises.

Falun Dafa practitioners take part in the 236th annual Bristol Fourth of July Parade in Rhode Island.

Practitioners demonstrate the first three Falun Dafa exercises on the float. The float is decorated with lotus petals, while another practitioner performs a ribbon dance.

Category: Parades & Other Community Events