Image for article China Fahui | Middle School Teacher Validates Dafa in School

An 8th-grade teacher shared the goodness of Falun Dafa with her students and colleagues, talking about Dafa and the persecution, but even more importantly, being selfless and upstanding in her day-to-day life.

Image for article Australia: People Praise Falun Dafa at the Rotary Kwinana Community Fair

Practitioners introduced the practice at a booth and held performances by the drum and dragon dance teams. Many praised the Falun Dafa principles and were happy to learn the exercises.

Image for article San Francisco: Practitioners Call for End to CCP’s Ongoing Persecution of Falun Dafa

At a peaceful protest during the APEC Summit, practitioners told people about the persecution of Falun Dafa and called on governments of every country to help end these egregious human rights violations.

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