Severe illness and no income had taken a severe toll on a married couple, who had nearly lost the will to go on. Despite the persecution and with nothing to lose, they decide to try Falun Dafa and find the light that guides them out of the tunnel.

Image for article Flag Raised at Pennsylvania State Capitol Pays Tribute to the Outstanding Contributions of Mr. Li Hongzhi

On World Falun Dafa Day, May 13, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro authorized the raising of an American flag at the state capitol in recognition of Falun Dafa’s founder Mr. Li Hongzhi’s outstanding contribution in spreading Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to the world and Pennsylvania.

Image for article Young People in Munich Learn the Exercises During World Falun Dafa Day Celebrations

Practitioners in Bavaria, Germany, held a celebration in Munich on May 13. They did the exercises, taught children to fold small lotus flowers, and passed out balloons and small lotus flowers with the message, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] My Three Supervisors Refuse to Side with the Perpetrators

A practitioner shares her personal experience regarding three of her work supervisors who she said have been blessed by refusing to participate in the persecution, despite threats from the communist regime.

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