Image for article Construction Worker Survives Being Struck by a Six-Meter-Long Metal Pole

After receiving a Falun Dafa symbol from a practitioner, a construction worker survived a deadly accident with only a minor injury. He and the witnesses believed the divine power of the Falun Dafa symbol was the only way to explain how he survived. 

Image for article Falun Dafa Well Received by Students and Teachers in Northeast India

A practitioner held a Falun Dafa introductory session at a primary school in Aizawl on May 23. The event was well-received by teachers and students, who learned the exercises. One teacher said, “The exercise music is very nice. Can we extend the exercise time a little longer?”

Image for article How Guards in Heilongjiang Province Women’s Prison Torture Practitioners of Falun Dafa

Tortures aimed at forcing practitioners to renounce their faith included being forced sit still on a small stool for long hours, vicious beatings, and arbitrary extension of terms.

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