Image for article Michigan: A Happy Encounter with Falun Dafa at the Ann Arbor Art Fair

The Falun Dafa booth drew many that were interested in learning more about this peaceful practice at the largest jury-based art fairs in the U.S., which attracts 500,000 people.

Image for article Canada: Falun Dafa Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa and Teach the Exercises at the Fun Philippines Festival

The two-day event is one of Canada’s biggest street festivals. People were drawn to the event and many wanted to learn more about Falun Dafa.

Image for article Japan: Poster Exhibition Held in Hiroshima Exposes Forced Organ Harvesting in China

“It is unbelievable that kind and innocent people are treated so cruelly,” said a city council member who attended the exhibit. “This is murder. We must do our best to let more people know.”

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