(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in our area were finally able to come together and form “one body” after studying Master’s article, “Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World’s People”. I would like to share what practitioners in our region have been doing to help Master save sentient beings.

At first, practitioners in our region were anxious about what to do. Practitioner Feng took the initiative to establish a group Fa study site at her home. We were then able to participate in the global morning exercises, and discuss things, so we could work together to do the three things well. We are truly grateful to Feng for her selfless dedication and generosity, which made it easier for us to form a solid, undisturbed “one body.”

Our schedule went like this: every Monday, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. - two hours of group Fa study, and sending forth righteous thoughts; from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - each practitioner studies Zhuan Falun, (the main book of Falun Dafa) at home by himself or herself. From Tuesday to Friday - we went out in the morning to clarify the truth and help people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations, and in the afternoon we studied the Fa together. Sometimes we went out at night to leave informational materials at people’s homes.

Practitioners’ righteous thoughts have been very strong, and with Master’s protection, there has been no major problems in our area for the past 10 years. Even when we encountered danger, we were able to overcome it under Master’s protection.

Practitioner Bing was distributing informational DVDs and was found by a police officer. The officer grabbed her hand and planned to take her to the police station. Bing firmly said: “I won’t go with you, it’s not good for you. I have the best disk here. This is the only one left, take it home and watch it.” The officer let go of her hand and walked away.

Bing’s righteous thoughts disintegrated the evil elements behind the officer. Master helped Bing and did not let the officer commit crimes against a Dafa practitioner. Thank you, Master, for your protection!

On another occasion, we went to a place to send righteous thoughts together. However, we were discovered. Feng rushed to draw the police away, allowing the other practitioners to walk away. With Master’s blessing, Feng later walked out of the police station after sending righteous thoughts.

Looking back over my cultivation journey, we veteran practitioners have a sense of pride and honor, as those around me all thought the same thing: there is no force that can stop us from practicing Dafa.

We visited houses in villages and along alleys. If there was no one at home, we would leave the materials near the front door. If someone was in, we handed the materials to them and advised them to quit the CCP. As we walked down the road, we gave materials to everyone we met and advised them to quit the CCP. This had a very good effect, as some responses were: “The Party is so bad, let’s quit that evil organization,” “Let my family members quit too, and I’ll give you their names now,” “My family doesn't like the CCP,” “I thank Master Li Hongzhi on behalf of our family!” There were many statements like this.

We came back home every day, feeling satisfied as the list of people quitting the CCP piled up. The number of people quitting ranged between 20 to 60 a day, and the largest daily count was 93.

We took the bus for dozens of stops a day. Going to the east one day, west the next, then the north, and south. Wherever there were people, we delivered blessings and spread the good news about Dafa to people.

I still had an informational booklet in my hand and planned to give it to someone on the bus journey home. We ran to catch the bus that was pulling into the bus stop. As I ran, I called out to the other practitioners behind me to keep up. When I turned around, I saw a man chasing after us, waving as he ran. He was struggling to catch his breath, as he called out: “Wait for me, I haven’t got one yet!”

We stopped, so the man could catch up with us. “I’ve been chasing you for a long time, and I kept calling you.” We apologized, and he said: “It doesn’t matter. I have your booklet now!” He took the booklet and left happy. How urgently people are wanting to be saved! From then on, we paid close attention to our surroundings and tried not to miss a single person.

Practitioner Chen in our area knew how to make informational materials, and taught me how to make DVDs, print covers, amulets, booklets, and various other kinds of Dafa materials. Since I never attended school and had no education, Chen put in a lot of effort to help me. I appreciated her help very much.

Now I would like to share the current situation in our area. We have done what Master told us, and although we can’t see the actual situation of sentient beings for the time being, our area is a pandemic-free zone. Since the beginning of the CCP virus (Wuhan Pneumonia) pandemic, not a single person in our area has had symptoms of the virus that we are aware of.

The leaders of our community understand the truth about Dafa, so if anything happened to any of our practitioners, they quickly notify the family members of the practitioner affected and we would help move the Dafa materials in the practitioner’s home to another place. On several occasions, when the police tried to arrest practitioners in our area, they were turned back by the community leaders who would tell them that the Dafa practitioners in our community were behaving very well and they were all very kind. We sincerely thank these honorable beings who know the truth and protect and help Falun Dafa practitioners. They have chosen a bright future for themselves.

Udumbara Flowers

There was another incident in our region. Udumbara flowers bloomed on two glass doors of a workshop. Eight flowers appeared on a glass door and more than 10 on another in 2016. Many of the employees photographed the spectacle with their cell phones. They said it was the first time they had seen such flowers. There was no water, soil, or sunlight on the glass, how could such white delicate flowers grow there? It gave us a feeling of compassion and peace. We photographed the flowers as a witness to history.

On the path of cultivation arranged by Master, each practitioner in the region has done his or her own due diligence and carries out their mission. During this special period in history, every practitioner has experienced hardship, as well as the joy and warmth of seeing the “bright flowers and another village ahead” that Master describes near the end of Zhuan Falun.