Image for article Virginia, U.S.: Falun Dafa Welcomed in Winchester Festival Parade

One parade-goer said, “I noticed the banner says ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance,’ which I support. We really need Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. It's more needed than ever."

Image for article A Physician’s Profound Cultivation Experiences: Falun Dafa Is Real Science

A young man who has been practicing Falun Dafa for 20 years tells how he became a physician and how his practice has impacted his professional life.

Image for article Adelaide: Attendees Moved by Paintings in the Art of Zhen Shan Ren Exhibition

Visitors to the exhibition were blown away and some were moved to tears upon seeing the powerful paintings.

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] My Firm Belief That Cultivation Is the Only Way to Overcome Tribulations

"This article may be different from the typical articles fellow practitioners read online, but I feel my personal situation may represent what other practitioners might face, so I would like to share it."

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Everything Led Me to Dafa

"In moments of suffering, when my attachments are being unearthed and aggravated, my faith in Master and the Fa only grow."

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Reflections on “Looking Within”

A practitioner shares her thoughts on the importance of looking within and how it relates to improvement in cultivation.

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