Image for article Melbourne, Australia: Public Event Held to Commemorate Beijing's 1999 April 25 Appeal

“Today is a special day that represents the spirit of Australians fighting for freedom. Because of this, I find it very meaningful to see practitioners’ petition today revealing the horrific persecution taking place in China.”

Image for article Mathematician: Dafa Helped Me Find the Meaning of Life

Dr. Hyon YunKyong, head of the Data Analysis Team at the National Research Institute in South Korea, said he has gained deeper insights into life and the universe since he started learning Falun Gong in 2003.

Image for article People Admire the Demeanor of Falun Dafa Practitioners

A practitioner who was imprisoned for her faith describes how practitioners in the prison positively influenced other inmates, guards, and prison staff with their kindness and compassion.

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