Image for article Austria: Parliament Members and the Public Offer Congratulations on World Falun Dafa Day

“Peace, freedom and human rights are the basis of our coexistence, and we must act accordingly. On Falun Dafa Day 2023, please allow me to convey my best wishes to all Falun Gong practitioners!”

Image for article São Paulo, Brazil: Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day

During a recent event to celebrate Falun Dafa Day in São Paulo, members of the public were moved by Dafa's teachings, the energy of the exercises, and practitioners' courage in facing persecution in China.

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Three Years of Taking Care of My Bedridden Mother-in-law

A Falun Dafa practitioner and her sister exemplify the qualities of a Dafa cultivator in taking care of the author's elderly mother-in-law for a period of three years.

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