Image for article Chicago, US: March in Chinatown Calls to End the Chinese Communist Regime’s Persecution of Falun Dafa

Practitioners from more than 10 states held a march and afterward, read letters of support from representatives in Midwestern states condemning the persecution.

Image for article France: Practitioners Hold Activities in Central Paris

Falun Dafa practitioners recently held activities at Place Saint-Michel and Châtelet, two of the busiest districts in Paris. They told people about Falun Dafa and how the Chinese Communist Party has persecuted the practice for 24 years.

Image for article Mumbai, India: The Art of Zhen Shan Ren Exhibition Delivers a Message of Hope and Courage

People from all walks of life were moved by the exhibit that exposed the CCP’s persecution and depicted practitioners’ uncompromising courage in the face of brutality.

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